Urantia Association
of Finland

Heijaste Magazine Heijaste

HEIJASTE is a publication issued by Urantia Association of Finland and produced by the Publications Committee of the Association. Articles and contributions by readers and related to topics of The Urantia Book are published in Heijaste. Heijaste, issued four times a year, serves also as the newsletter of the Association. Anyone may subscribe to the magazine and it is freely available on the website of the Association.


UAI Journal UAI Journal

Urantia Association International (UAI) is issuing a magazine of its own, the UAI Journal, which is much alike Heijaste, except for its being an international publication. UAI Journal is produced twice yearly. The Journal is published in English, French and Spanish. Anyone may subscribe to the Journal and it is freely available on the UAI website.



The Urantia Book
Pronunciation Guide to Names and Words
2004 Second Printing


Because of the phonetic alphabet the Guide is available only in the Acrobat PDF format (8 pages; 93kb):

[ UB_pronunciation_eng.pdf ]